David is 3 years older than Justin. In 4 years, David will be one and a half times as old as Justin. How old is David now?

j = d-3

d+4 = (3/2)(j+4)

plug in j and solve for d.

To solve this problem, let's represent Justin's age as "x" and David's age as "x + 3" since David is 3 years older.

In 4 years, David will be "x + 3 + 4" and Justin will be "x + 4". According to the problem, David will be one and a half times as old as Justin.

So, we can write an equation:

(x + 3 + 4) = 1.5(x + 4)

Now, let's solve the equation:

x + 7 = 1.5x + 6

Subtracting "x" from both sides:

7 = 0.5x + 6

Subtracting 6 from both sides:

1 = 0.5x

To isolate "x", multiply by 2:

2 = x

Therefore, Justin's age is 2 years old.

To find David's age, substitute the value of "x" into the expression "x + 3" that represents David's age:

David's age = 2 + 3 = 5

Hence, David is currently 5 years old.