What are the missing numbers between 10 22 34 46 58 on the number line

The next number is 58 + 12 = 70.

10 22 34 46 58

What is the answer now


To find the missing numbers between 10, 22, 34, 46, and 58 on the number line, we need to determine the pattern or sequence followed by these numbers.

Looking at the given numbers, we can observe that each number is 12 more than the previous one. Therefore, the pattern can be represented as: start with 10 and add 12 repeatedly.

Starting with 10, we can find the missing numbers by adding 12 to the previous number:

10 + 12 = 22
22 + 12 = 34
34 + 12 = 46
46 + 12 = 58

So, the missing numbers between 10, 22, 34, 46, and 58 are:

10 + 12 = 22
22 + 12 = 34
34 + 12 = 46

Thus, the missing numbers are 22, 34, and 46.