on a map every 1/2 cm represents 20km of two cities which are 9 cm apart on the map. how many kilometers are they from each other in actual distance?

.5/20 = 9/x

.5x = 180
x = 360 km apart


1/2 cm represents 20 km
1 cm represents 40 km
so 9 cm represents 9(40) or 360 km

7 cm represent......................km

1/5 cm represents...................................................km

To find the actual distance between the two cities, we need to scale up the distance represented on the map by the scale factor. In this case, every 1/2 cm on the map represents 20 km.

First, let's calculate the total distance on the map. We are given that the two cities are 9 cm apart on the map. So, we multiply 9 cm by the scale factor:

9 cm * (20 km/ 1/2 cm) = 9 cm * (20 km/ 0.5 cm) = 9 cm * (40 km/ cm) = 9 * 40 km = 360 km

Therefore, the two cities are 360 kilometers apart in actual distance.