The declaration of indepdence stated that all men are created equal. Yet there was a condraction in that there were slaves.

How did late 18th century americans reconcile this contradiction?

how would i organize this essay into 4 paragraphs exluding intro and conclusion

1. intro including thesis statement

2. attitudes of those who owned slaves

3. attitudes of those who didn't own any slaves

4. concl

what are u talking about

People who did and didn't own slaves wrote the Declaration, as well as (eventually) the Constitution. You asked how "they" reconcile their beliefs about "all men are created equal" with the slavery situation at the time.

The sample outline above is one way to deal with the question.

To organize your essay into four paragraphs, you can consider the following structure:

1. Historical Context: Provide an introduction to the late 18th century situation in America, highlighting the ideals and aspirations expressed in the Declaration of Independence. Explain how the statement "all men are created equal" posed a contradiction given the existence of slavery.
2. Justifications and Rationalizations: Explore some of the ways in which late 18th century Americans reconciled this contradiction. Discuss the justifications and rationalizations used by supporters of slavery, such as economic arguments, racial beliefs, and legal frameworks, that served to maintain and perpetuate the institution.
3. Abolitionist Voices: Discuss the emergence of early abolitionist movements and individuals who challenged the contradiction between the declaration's ideals and the existence of slavery. Analyze their arguments and the influence they had on public opinion, as well as the challenges they faced in combating deeply ingrained societal norms.
4. Legacy and Ongoing Struggles: Reflect on the lasting impact and consequences of this contradiction in American history. Discuss how these struggles continue to shape the nation and its ongoing efforts to address issues of inequality and injustice, including examining the Civil War, the end of slavery, and the subsequent Civil Rights Movement.

Remember that this suggested organization is just one approach, and you can adapt it to fit your writing style and the specific points you want to make.