Two trains leave the same station at the same time, but are headed in opposite directions. One train travels at 70 mph and the other train travels at 80 mph.

How much times passes until the trains are 600 mi apart?

let the time be x

Then the first train will go 70x mi
other train will go 80x mi
As the are passing through opposite direction.
70x+80x = 600
or, x = 4

To find out how much time passes until the trains are 600 miles apart, we can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

Let's calculate the time for each train separately and then add the times together to find the total time.

For the train traveling at 70 mph:
Time 1 = Distance / Speed = 600 miles / 70 mph

For the train traveling at 80 mph:
Time 2 = Distance / Speed = 600 miles / 80 mph

Adding the times together:
Total Time = Time 1 + Time 2

Now let's calculate the times.

To determine how much time passes until the trains are 600 miles apart, we can use the formula for time:

Time = Distance / Speed

Let's calculate the time it takes for each train to travel a distance of 600 miles.

For the first train:
Time = 600 miles / 70 mph
Time = 8.57 hours (rounded to two decimal places)

For the second train:
Time = 600 miles / 80 mph
Time = 7.5 hours

Since the trains are traveling in opposite directions, we can add their times together to find the total time:

Total Time = 8.57 hours + 7.5 hours
Total Time = 16.07 hours (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, it takes approximately 16.07 hours for the two trains to be 600 miles apart.