The average distance between the earth and the sun is 1.50X10^8

A. calculate the average velocity in km/h of the earth along its original path
The average distance between the earth and the sun is 1.50X10^8
B. convert your answer from km\h to m\s. Show all units.

To calculate the average velocity of the Earth along its original path, we need to divide the total distance covered by the total time taken. Since we have the average distance and not the total time, we'll assume that the Earth completes one full orbit around the Sun in one year, which is approximately 365.25 days.

A. To calculate the average velocity in km/h:
1. Convert the given average distance from scientific notation to normal form: 1.50 × 10^8 = 150,000,000 km.
2. Determine the total distance covered in one year by multiplying the average distance per orbit by the number of orbits in a year:
Total distance = Average distance × Number of orbits in a year
= 150,000,000 km × 1 orbit/year
= 150,000,000 km/year
3. Calculate the average velocity by dividing the total distance covered in one year by the total time taken in hours:
Average velocity = Total distance / Total time
= 150,000,000 km / (365.25 days × 24 hours/day)
= 150,000,000 km / 8,766 hours
≈ 17,085 km/h

Therefore, the average velocity of the Earth along its original path is approximately 17,085 km/h.

B. To convert the average velocity from km/h to m/s:
1. Convert the average velocity from km/h to m/s by multiplying by a conversion factor:
Conversion factor: 1 km/h = 1000 m/3600 s
= 17,085 km/h × (1000 m/3600 s)
= 4.746 m/s

So, the average velocity of the Earth along its original path is approximately 4.746 m/s.