Find the original price of a pair of shoes if the sale price is $ 9 after a 75 % discount.

0.25x = 9

Solve for x


To find the original price of the shoes, you need to follow these steps:

1. Calculate the discount amount: Multiply the sale price by the discount percentage. In this case, the discount is 75%, so the discount amount is 75% of the original price.

Discount amount = 75% × Original Price

2. Calculate the sale price after the discount: Subtract the discount amount from the original price.

Sale Price = Original Price - Discount Amount

3. Substitute the given values into the equation: In this case, the sale price is $9.

$9 = Original Price - Discount Amount

4. Solve for the original price using algebra: Substitute the discount amount from step 1 into the equation and solve for the original price.

$9 = Original Price - (75% × Original Price)

To solve the equation, distribute the percentage to the original price.

$9 = Original Price - 0.75 × Original Price

Combine like terms.

$9 = 0.25 × Original Price

Divide both sides by 0.25 to isolate the original price.

Original Price = $9 ÷ 0.25

Performing the division, we find that:

Original Price = $36

Therefore, the original price of the pair of shoes is $36.