one more than the difference between 18 and seven times a number is -9

seven times a number: 7x

difference between 18 and 7x: 18-7x

Think you can take it from there?

18 - 7n = -9

To solve this problem, let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Identify the unknowns.
- Let's assume the unknown number as "x".

Step 2: Translate the sentence into an equation.
- "One more than the difference between 18 and seven times a number is -9."

The difference between 18 and seven times a number: (18 - 7x)
One more than the difference: (18 - 7x) + 1
The equation becomes: (18 - 7x) + 1 = -9

Step 3: Solve the equation.
- Now we can solve the equation for "x".

(18 - 7x) + 1 = -9
Combine like terms: 18 - 7x + 1 = -9
Simplify: 19 - 7x = -9
Subtract 19 from both sides: -7x = -9 - 19
Simplify: -7x = -28
Divide by -7: x = -28 / -7
Simplify: x = 4

So, the unknown number is 4.