A radioactive isotope of radium (Ra-226) has a half-live of 1620 years. How much of this isotope remains after three (3) half-lives?

A. 1/2
B. 1/4
C. 1/8***
D. None


Thanks :)

You're welcome. :)

To determine how much of the radioactive isotope remains after three half-lives, you can use the formula:

Amount remaining = (Initial amount) * (1/2)^(Number of half-lives)

In this case, since you want to calculate after three half-lives, we can plug the numbers into the formula:

Amount remaining = (Initial amount) * (1/2)^(3)

Now, let's solve it:

Amount remaining = (1) * (1/2)^(3)
Amount remaining = 1/8

So, after three half-lives, only 1/8 of the radioactive isotope of radium (Ra-226) remains.

The correct answer is C. 1/8.