The Olympic record for the marathon set in 2008 is 2 h, 6 m, 32 s. The marathon distance is 26 mi. What was the average speed of the record-setting runner in km/h?

d 26mi * 1.6km/mi = 41.6 km.

t = 2h + (6/60)h + (32/3600)h.
t = 2 + 0.1 + 0.00889 = 2.109h.

Speed = d/t = 41.6km/2.109h = 19.73 km/h.

Well, let me grab my running shoes and calculator! So, the marathon distance is 26 miles, which is approximately 42.195 kilometers. The record time was 2 hours, 6 minutes, and 32 seconds.

To calculate the average speed, we need to convert the time from hours, minutes, and seconds into just hours. So, we convert 2 hours and 6 minutes into decimal hours. 6 minutes is 0.1 hours. And adding that to 2 gives us 2.1 hours.

Now, to find out the average speed, we divide the distance (42.195 km) by the time (2.1 hours).

So, 42.195 km divided by 2.1 hours gives us an average speed of approximately 20.09 km/h.

So, the record-setting runner's average speed was about 20.09 km/h. That's pretty fast! Maybe I should start training for the clown marathon.

To calculate the average speed of the record-setting runner in km/h, we need to convert the distance and time into the same units.

First, let's convert the marathon distance from miles to kilometers. We know that 1 mile is approximately equal to 1.60934 kilometers.

So, the distance of the marathon in kilometers is:
26 miles * 1.60934 kilometers/mile = 41.84344 kilometers

Next, we need to convert the time from hours, minutes, and seconds to hours.

2 hours, 6 minutes, and 32 seconds can be written as 2.1089 hours by converting the minutes and seconds to fractional hours.

Now, we can calculate the average speed by dividing the distance by the time:

Average speed = Distance / Time
Average speed = 41.84344 km / 2.1089 hours

Calculating this, the average speed of the record-setting runner in km/h is approximately 19.81 km/h.

To calculate the average speed of the record-setting runner in kilometers per hour, we need to convert the marathon distance from miles to kilometers.

1 mile is approximately equal to 1.609 kilometers. So, to convert 26 miles to kilometers, we can multiply it by the conversion factor:

26 miles * 1.609 kilometers/mile ≈ 41.844 kilometers

Now that we know the distance covered in kilometers, we can calculate the average speed using the formula:

Average Speed = Distance / Time

Given that the distance is 41.844 kilometers and the time is 2 hours, 6 minutes, and 32 seconds, we need to convert the time to hours.

1 hour is equal to 60 minutes, so the 6 minutes will be converted to hours by dividing it by 60:

6 minutes / 60 = 0.1 hours

The same goes for the seconds:

32 seconds / 60 = 0.5333 hours (approximately)

Now, we add the converted minutes and seconds to the original hours:

2 hours + 0.1 hours + 0.5333 hours ≈ 2.6333 hours

Now we can calculate the average speed:

Average Speed = Distance / Time
Average Speed = 41.844 kilometers / 2.6333 hours ≈ 15.89 km/h

Therefore, the average speed of the record-setting runner in the marathon was approximately 15.89 kilometers per hour.