"Six more than x is nine" written as...

6 = x + 9
6 + 9 = x
6 + x = 9 ***??
6 + 9 + x = 0

Thank you!

Thanks! Can you check one more please? I promise I'll stop bugging you after.

4 + (5 + 6) = (4 + 5) + 6 is Associative Property of Addition.


Yes, associative.

You're welcome.

@Complete, That wasn't necessary.

Yay! 36/36!

To rewrite the statement "Six more than x is nine" as an equation, we can use the phrase "more than" to represent addition.

Let's break it down step by step:

"SIX MORE THAN x" implies that we need to add 6 to x.

"IS" means that it is equal to.

"NINE" is the result.

Putting it all together, we have:

x + 6 = 9

So the correct equation is x + 6 = 9.


Thank you!