mary travel 60mph at 6am, tom travel 70mph at 8am. What time tom will catch up to mary

mary has a two hour head start

she is 120 mi (2 * 60) ahead when tom starts

tom catches up at 10 mph (70 - 60)

it takes tom 12 hr (120 / 10) to catch up

12 hr from 8 am is 8 pm

thank you ! how to write on this equation ?

To find out what time Tom will catch up to Mary, we need to determine the time it takes for Tom to cover the distance that Mary has already traveled.

Let's first find out how far Mary has traveled by the time Tom starts his journey at 8am.

Using the formula: Distance = Speed × Time

Mary's distance = 60 mph × 2 hours (because she started at 6am and Tom starts at 8am)

Mary's distance = 120 miles

Now, we need to find the time it takes for Tom to travel 120 miles at a speed of 70 mph.

Using the formula: Time = Distance / Speed

Tom's time = 120 miles / 70 mph

Tom's time ≈ 1.71 hours

To convert this time to minutes, we multiply by 60:

Tom's time ≈ 1.71 hours × 60 minutes/hour

Tom's time ≈ 102.6 minutes

Since Tom starts his journey at 8am, we need to add the time (102.6 minutes) to 8am to find out the time he catches up to Mary.

Hence, Tom will catch up to Mary at approximately 9:42 am.