What is special about the F and J keys on a standard keyboard?

A. They have bumps **
B. They are in the exact center of a keyboard
C. They are the keys that your middle fingers rest on.
D. They are the keys between the home row.




Finally, Lili/Carol!!

And I hope it's been explained why those bumps are there!

The answer is A. They have bumps.

The F and J keys on a standard keyboard have small bumps or raised lines on them. These bumps serve as tactile indicators that allow touch typists to easily position their hands without needing to look at the keyboard. When touch typing, your index fingers are supposed to rest on the F and J keys respectively. So, when you feel the bumps, you know that your fingers are in the correct position on the keyboard, ensuring efficient and accurate typing. This technique helps speed up typing and reduces errors.