..... moderate, radical

(What is the opposite of 'radical'?)

Whenever you're looking for opposites in word meanings, be sure to use a thesaurus and go through the antonyms listed.

Moderate -- http://www.thesaurus.com/browse/moderate?s=t
Scroll down and read through the antonyms.

Radical -- http://www.thesaurus.com/browse/radical?s=t
Again, read through the antonyms.

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The opposite of "radical" is "moderate." To understand this, it's helpful to understand that the term "opposite" is often subjective and can vary depending on context. In this case, we can view "radical" as representing extreme or drastic ideas or actions, while "moderate" represents a more balanced or reasonable approach.

To find the opposite of a word, you can use various resources such as dictionaries, thesauruses, or online search engines. For instance, you can search for "opposite of radical" in a search engine, which will likely provide you with several sources, such as synonyms and antonyms. These sources can help you identify words that convey contrasting meanings.