The circumference of earth is about 40,030.02km. The formula for circumference is c=2(3.14)r.jennifer determines the radius of earth is about 12,700km.use estimation to determine if Jennifer measurement is reasonable.

2π ≈ 6

40/6 ≈ 7

what do you think?

Well, Jennifer's estimation of the Earth's radius being about 12,700 km is pretty close to the actual value of 6,371 km. So, I guess you could say that Jennifer "rounded" off to the right number! You know, sometimes a little bit of exaggeration can make things more entertaining. Just like how clowns exaggerate their features to make people laugh! Keep in mind though, accuracy is important in scientific measurements. So, while Jennifer may have been in the ballpark, it's always best to use precise calculations when it comes to determining measurements.

To determine if Jennifer's measurement of the radius of Earth is reasonable, we can use estimation. Let's calculate the circumference using Jennifer's estimated radius of 12,700 km:

C = 2 * π * r
C = 2 * 3.14 * 12,700
C ≈ 2 * 3.14 * 13,000 (rounding up the radius to the nearest hundred)

C ≈ 81,640 km

Comparing this estimated circumference of 81,640 km with the actual circumference of Earth, which is approximately 40,030.02 km, we find a significant difference.

Therefore, Jennifer's estimated radius of Earth is not reasonable as it leads to a much larger circumference than the actual measurement.

To determine if Jennifer's measurement of the Earth's radius is reasonable using estimation, we can compare it to the known value of the Earth's circumference.

We know the formula for the circumference of a circle is given by:
c = 2πr

Given that the Earth's circumference is about 40,030.02 km, we can calculate the estimated radius using this formula:
r = c / (2π)

Substituting the known value for the circumference:
r = 40,030.02 km / (2π)

To calculate this, we need to approximate the value of π. Taking π as 3.14, we can now solve for the radius:
r ≈ 40,030.02 km / (2 * 3.14)
r ≈ 40,030.02 km / 6.28
r ≈ 6,366.76 km

Comparing this estimated radius to Jennifer's measurement of 12,700 km, we can see that her measurement is roughly twice the estimated radius. This large discrepancy suggests that Jennifer's measurement is not reasonable and might be inaccurate.