Hi i need help with this essay question.

The declaration of indepdence stated that all men are created equal. Yet there was a condriction in that there were slaves. How did late 18th century americans reconcile this contridiction.

Hi i am very confused about what the question is asking.


There should be several sites in here to give you some ideas.

Did the Declaration mean only white men? only white men with property? all people, including freedmen and freedwomen? all people except slaves?


wait but what does the word reconcile mean in the question

How could the people in the 1700s (especially those who were writing the Declaration and later the Articles and the Constitution) agree on the idea that all men are created equal at the same time that many of them and lots of others owned slaves? Did they think slaves were not men?

The essay question is asking how late 18th-century Americans reconciled the contradiction between the statement in the Declaration of Independence that "all men are created equal" and the existence of slavery at that time. In other words, it is asking how they resolved or explained this apparent contradiction.

To answer this question, you will need to provide historical analysis and explanations based on the knowledge you have about the late 18th-century America. Here are a few steps you can follow to help you understand and approach the question:

1. Begin by analyzing the Declaration of Independence: Familiarize yourself with the document and its context. Understand the ideals of equality and liberty that it espouses.

2. Research the historical context: Explore the social, political, and economic conditions of late 18th-century America, particularly regarding slavery. Understand the institution of slavery and its role in society at that time.

3. Consider the perspectives of different groups: Recognize that there were different views on slavery among late 18th-century Americans. Some believed in the equality of all men, including slaves, while others justified slavery on racial or economic grounds.

4. Examine legal and ideological justifications: Investigate the legal and ideological arguments that were used to reconcile the contradiction. For example, some argued that Africans were not considered equal to white men and, therefore, slavery was justifiable.

5. Explore political compromises: Look into the compromises made during the formation of the United States, such as the Three-Fifths Compromise, which addressed the issue of how slaves would be counted for representation purposes.

6. Consider the role of economics: Analyze the economic interests and factors that may have influenced the acceptance of slavery. Slavery was deeply tied to the economy, particularly in the Southern colonies.

7. Look at the arguments made by abolitionists: Investigate the voices and arguments of abolitionists, who challenged the contradiction and advocated for the abolition of slavery.

By carefully examining these aspects and incorporating them into your essay, you should be able to provide a comprehensive response to the question, explaining how late 18th-century Americans reconciled the contradiction between the "all men are created equal" statement and the existence of slavery. Remember to support your arguments with evidence and provide historical context throughout your essay.