why does federalism create tension between state and national governments?

A.) Both national and state governments share power.
B.) state and local governments have no support from national government
C.) states are not able to work with each other
D.) the national government dominates the states

It's A, not D.

Or would it be A since the national and state share power

Would it be D?

Oh okay thank you

A is correct

The correct answer is A) Both national and state governments share power.

Federalism is a system of government where power is divided between a central/national government and various regional/state governments. While this division of power has its advantages, it can also create tension between the state and national governments. Here's how:

1. Overlapping jurisdictions: Under federalism, both levels of government have their own areas of authority. This can lead to conflicts over which level of government has the power to make certain decisions or implement policies.

2. Competition for resources: As both the national and state governments have their own sources of revenue (through taxes, for example), there can be competition for financial resources. This can create tension as each level of government tries to secure funding for their own priorities.

3. Policy differences: Different states may have different priorities, values, and ideologies, leading to disagreements with the national government over policy matters. This can result in tension as states may resist or challenge certain federal policies that they perceive as infringing on their rights or undermining their interests.

4. Balancing national and state interests: Federalism requires a delicate balance between central authority and the autonomy of states. Finding an equilibrium that respects the power of both levels of government can be challenging, leading to ongoing tension and disagreements.

Overall, tensions between state and national governments in a federal system arise from the inherent sharing of power and the complexities of balancing different priorities and interests.

Yes, D.

Check your text to be sure.

You're welcome.

Federalism means a strong national government.

What do you think the best answer is?