A car travel from a to b at 60km and return to a at 90km. What is the average velocity and average speed ?

average velocity is 0 since the total displacement is 0

average speed is 72,since average speed = Total Distance/Total time = 2D/(t1+t2) = 2D/(D/S1+D/S2) = 2S1*S2/(S1+S2)=2*60*90/(60+90)

Btw,i think the km should be kmh⁻¹,isn't it?

To find the average velocity and average speed of the car, we need to use the formulas:

Average Velocity = Total Displacement / Total Time
Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time

In this case, the car traveled from point A to point B at 60 km and then returned to point A at 90 km.

To calculate the total displacement, we subtract the distance traveled to point B from the distance traveled back to point A:
Total Displacement = 90 km - 60 km = 30 km

To calculate the total distance, we add the distance traveled to point B and the distance traveled back to point A:
Total Distance = 60 km + 90 km = 150 km

Now let's assume the time taken to travel from A to B is t hours. This means the time taken to travel from B to A will also be t hours because the same distance is covered at a different speed.

To calculate the total time, we add the time taken to travel from A to B and the time taken to travel from B to A:
Total Time = t + t = 2t

Now we can substitute the values into the formulas to find the average velocity and average speed:

Average Velocity = Total Displacement / Total Time = 30 km / (2t) = 15 / t km/h

Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time = 150 km / (2t) = 75 / t km/h

Therefore, the average velocity is 15/t km/h and the average speed is 75/t km/h.