A cube has edge lengths of 5cm each. The cube weighs 0.54 kg. What is its specific weight

Specific weight is weight per unit volume.

540/(5)^3 = ? g/cc


To find the specific weight of the cube, we need to divide its weight by its volume.

Step 1: Calculate the volume of the cube.
The volume of a cube is calculated by taking the length of one of its edges cubed.
Volume of the cube = 5cm × 5cm × 5cm
Volume of the cube = 125 cubic cm

Step 2: Convert the volume to cubic meters.
To calculate the specific weight, we need to have the volume in cubic meters. Since 1 cubic meter is equal to 1,000,000 cubic centimeters, we need to divide the volume by 1,000,000.
Volume in cubic meters = 125 cubic cm ÷ 1,000,000 cubic cm
Volume in cubic meters ≈ 0.000125 cubic meters

Step 3: Calculate the specific weight.
Specific weight is calculated by dividing the weight of the object by its volume.
Specific weight = Weight ÷ Volume
Specific weight = 0.54 kg ÷ 0.000125 cubic meters

Let's calculate the specific weight:
Specific weight ≈ 4320 kg/m^3

Therefore, the specific weight of the cube is approximately 4320 kg/m^3.

Thanks PsyDAG