I am reading a book called SCAT by Carl Hiassen and I have to write an essay about this. One of the major themes of the book is related to environmental conservation and preservation. How is this theme developed in the book?-This is what I am stuck on being able to answer this.

Please help.

This is the only summary I can find of this book online:


What kinds of environmental conservation can you find in the book? Make a list.

What things happen that are harmful to the environment? Make a second list.

Now compare your lists to see if there are any pairs (one item on each list) that could be developed into your essay.

I am having big trouble with this. I will make two lists how you suggested and compare them. I will also look at the summary which you just sent. Can you help me with this a bit more?

Yes. Once you've made your lists, post them here for me.

To analyze how the theme of environmental conservation and preservation is developed in the book "SCAT" by Carl Hiassen, you can begin by identifying specific passages or events that highlight this theme. Here are the steps you can follow:

1. Read the book thoroughly: To better understand the development of the theme, it's important to have a comprehensive understanding of the story, characters, and overall plot. Take notes on any significant events or conversations related to environmental conservation and preservation.

2. Identify instances of environmental exploitation: Look for instances in the book where the natural environment is exploited or harmed. This can include illegal hunting, deforestation, pollution, or any other destructive activities. Take note of the characters involved in such activities.

3. Observe the characters' attitudes towards the environment: Pay attention to the characters' values and attitudes towards wildlife, the ecosystem, or the overall environment. Look for characters who actively promote conservation or preservation, as well as those who have a disregard for nature. Consider how their attitudes affect the progression of the story.

4. Note the consequences of environmental exploitation: Look for instances where the negative impact of environmental exploitation is evident. This could be in the form of ecological imbalance, harm to wildlife, or adverse effects on human communities. Observe how the consequences of these actions influence the characters and the overall narrative.

5. Analyze dialogue and symbolism: Examine the dialogues between characters, as well as symbolism used throughout the book. Look for discussions or symbols that directly address environmental conservation and preservation. Consider how these elements contribute to the theme's development.

6. Trace character arcs: Identify any character arcs related to environmental conservation and preservation. Look for changes in the characters' beliefs, actions, or attitudes towards nature throughout the story. This can help you understand how the theme is presented and how it affects the overall character development.

7. Explore author's message: Consider the author's purpose in incorporating the theme of environmental conservation and preservation. Reflect on why Carl Hiassen chose to emphasize this theme and think about the message he intended to convey to the readers.

By gathering evidence from the text, examining characters, and analyzing the author's intentions, you can develop a thorough understanding of how the theme of environmental conservation and preservation is developed in "SCAT." This will give you the foundation you need to write a well-supported essay.