At the zoo, there were 3 times as many monkeys as lion. Tom counted a total of 24 monkeys and lion. How many monkeys were there?

3x + x = 24

4x = 24

x = 6 lions

lion _

monkeys _ _ _

total _ _ _ _

what times 4 = 24



Lion 6
monkeys 6 6 6
6*3 = 18

(I am trying to learn Singapore math :)

At the zoo there were 3 times as many monkeys as lions tom counted a total of 24 monkeys and liones how many monkeys were there 4 times n =24 4 times 6=24 n=6

Bruh I’m 9 trying to get the answer

I suspected from the phrasing of the question that the student is taking a subject based on the Singapore approach.

My underlines (like _ ) are intended to be boxes.
Did I do this right?
I know 18 is right, but the explanation is new for me.


I m monkey and you?