Hey I was wondering if someone could help me with this. I know it's simple but It's for some reason harder for me. If someone can help me it will be really much appertiativ

write an equation and solve tofind the solution to the following problem you have $27 to spend at the mall and a coupon for six dollars at your favorite store a T-shirt cost $11 how many T-shirts can you buy using coupon and money

Anyone up to help me? It would mean a lot please

Shopping: Tax Situation: You are purchasing four items and want to calculate the tax. The items cost $2.50, $8.75, $3.00, and $10.25. The tax rate is 6%. How much is the tax? Calculation With Distribution (Show all steps.) Calculation Without Distribution (Show all steps.)

Certainly! To solve this problem, we need to set up an equation and then solve it. Here's how you can do it step by step:

Let's assume the number of T-shirts you want to buy is "x."

Each T-shirt costs $11, and you have a $6 coupon. So, the total cost of x T-shirts after applying the coupon would be (11 * x) - 6.

You have $27 to spend, so the equation becomes:
(11 * x) - 6 = 27

To solve this equation, we will isolate the variable 'x' to one side of the equation.

Adding 6 to both sides:
11 * x = 27 + 6
11 * x = 33

Dividing both sides by 11:
x = 33 / 11
x = 3

Therefore, you can buy 3 T-shirts with your $27 and $6 coupon.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

11x =< 27 + 6

Solve for x.