Before Katie turns in the paper she typed she wants a peer to review it and give her feedback. Katie uses her all in one printer to scan her edit,prints, and send them to her friend. An all in one printer is

2 answers

Input device ••

Output device ••

Data storage device

Operating system


The correct answers are:

1. Input device
2. Output device

1. An all-in-one printer is considered an input device because it allows the user to input information from a physical source, such as scanning a document or image. In Katie's case, she used the all-in-one printer to scan her edited paper and send it to her friend for review.

2. An all-in-one printer is also an output device because it can produce physical copies of digital files. In Katie's case, she used the printer function to print out her edited paper before turning it in.

An all-in-one printer combines multiple functions into a single device, including printing, scanning, copying, and sometimes faxing. This makes it a versatile tool for various office or personal tasks.