Below Find a sequence of probabilites generated using excel.What is this mystery poisson functions M? Be precise, down to one decimal and show work.

To generate a sequence of probabilities using Excel for a Poisson distribution, you can use the following formula:

=POISSON(x, λ, cumulative)

- x: The number of events you want to calculate the probability for.
- λ: The average number of events in a given interval.
- cumulative: Optional argument denoting whether you want to calculate the probability of "x or fewer" events (TRUE) or the probability of exactly "x" events (FALSE).

To find the mystery Poisson function M, you'll need more information such as the average number of events (λ) and the specific x values for which you want to calculate the probabilities.

Once you have the values of λ and x, you can plug them into the POISSON formula in Excel and repeat it for different values of x to generate a sequence of probabilities.