2 people 400 miles apart

They both leave at the same time
One drives 50 mph
The other drives 100 mph
How long till they meet?

50 + 100 = 150 m/h combined speed

150 t = 400
t = 40/15 = 8/3 = 2 2/3 hr
= 2 hours and 40 minutes

To determine how long it will take for the two people to meet, we need to calculate the time it takes for each person to travel their respective distances.

The first person is traveling at a speed of 50 mph. The distance they need to cover is 400 miles. We can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

So, for the first person:
Time = 400 miles / 50 mph = 8 hours

Similarly, the second person is traveling at a speed of 100 mph, and their distance is also 400 miles:
Time = 400 miles / 100 mph = 4 hours

Since both individuals left at the same time, we can determine that it will take 8 hours for them to meet.

It's important to note that when two people are traveling towards each other, their speeds are added together to determine the relative speed at which they are approaching each other. In this case, the relative speed is 150 mph (50 mph + 100 mph). The total distance traveled is divided by this relative speed to find the time it takes for them to meet.

Additionally, it's crucial to consider practical factors such as traffic, stops, and potential delays, which may affect the estimated time of their meeting.