It took Everly 55 minutes to run a 10-kilometer race last weekend. If you know that 1 kilometer equals 0.621 mile, how many minutes did it take Everly to run 1 mile during the race? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.

3.41 minutes
5.50 minutes
6.21 minutes
8.86 minutes***


could you help me with this problem? Jonah earned $5 more than half of Karen's salary, k. Which of the following expressions represents Jonah's earnings?

one half(k + 5)***
one halfk + 5
one half + k + 5
one halfk > 5

5 more than x: x+5

5 more than (half Karen's salary):


Your answer is half of (5 more than Karen's salary).

To find out how many minutes it took Everly to run 1 mile during the race, we can use proportions.

We know that Everly took 55 minutes to run a 10-kilometer race. So, we can set up the proportion:

10 kilometers / 55 minutes = 1 mile / x minutes

To solve for x, we cross-multiply:

10 * x = 1 * 55
10x = 55
x = 55 / 10
x = 5.5

Therefore, it took Everly approximately 5.5 minutes to run 1 mile during the race.

The closest answer choice is 5.50 minutes.
