Which of the following best defines the quantities that should be measured to find Andy's driving speed?

The quantity of time measured in hours depends on the quantity of distance measures in miles.***

The quantity of distance measures in miles depends on the quantity of time measured in hours.

The quantity of time measured in minutes depends on the quantity of speed measured in feet.

The quantity of speed measured in feet depends on the quantity of time measured in minutes.

speed = distance/time

So is my answer wrong then?

I think so. speed depends on time and distance. None of the answers really is complete, but they all say something depends on something else.

For a given distance, speed depends on the time it takes to travel that distance.

So, if you want to determine Andy's speed, clearly you can't figure it out unless you know the distance and time involved.

oh, and speed is not measured in feet. Distance is measured in feet. Speed is measured in

feet per second
miles per hour
or something else like that

So I could change my answer to C if I wanted to. What would you say the best answer for this question would be?

I like D!

The correct option that defines the quantities that should be measured to find Andy's driving speed is: "The quantity of time measured in hours depends on the quantity of distance measured in miles."

To calculate Andy's driving speed, we need to measure two quantities: time and distance. The time is measured in hours, and the distance is measured in miles.

To find the driving speed, you would divide the distance traveled by the time taken. By measuring the distance in miles and the time in hours, you can calculate Andy's driving speed in miles per hour.