What makes -5 ? -8 a true statement


What makes -6 ? |-8| a true statement


Draw a number line. You will see that -5 is to the right of -8. So,

-5 > -8

and yes, -6 < |-8| = 8

To determine what makes the given statements true, let's break them down and see how to solve them step by step:

1) -5 ? -8
In this statement, the question mark "?" represents a comparison operator (e.g., greater than, less than, equal to). To make this statement true, we need to find the correct comparison operator to replace the question mark.

To determine which operator to use, we compare the values on both sides of the statement: -5 and -8. In this case, -5 is greater than -8 because it is farther to the right on the number line. Therefore, the correct comparison operator to make this statement true is ">". Thus, the complete and true statement is: -5 > -8.

Finding the answer involved comparing the values and identifying the correct comparison operator.

2) -6 ? |-8|
In this statement, we have -6 on the left-hand side and |-8| on the right-hand side. The vertical bars around -8 indicate the absolute value. Absolute value denotes the distance of a number from zero on a number line, regardless of its sign. In this case, the absolute value of -8 is 8.

Now, we need to determine the correct comparison operator to make the statement true. Comparing -6 and 8, we can see that -6 is less than 8 because it is farther to the left on the number line. Therefore, the correct comparison operator to make this statement true is "<". Thus, the complete and true statement is: -6 < 8.

Finding the answer involved comparing the values and considering the absolute value for |-8|.