At a halftime show marching band in formation. the lead drummer started at a point with coordinates (-2, -5) and moved 3 steps up and 1 step right.

A. Write a rule to describe the translation.

B. What are the corrdiates of the drummer's final position?

A. I'm not sure at all

B. (-2,-5)+3 steps up= (-5,1)
(-5,1)+ 1 step right= (-4,1)

I think B is right but I'm still not sure on A

x = -2 + steps right

y = -5 + steps up

x = -2 + 1 = -1
y = -5 + 3 = -2

(-1 , -2)

Thank you

You are welcome.

A. To describe the translation of the lead drummer, we can use vector notation. Let's consider "up" as positive and "right" as positive.

If the starting point is given by the coordinates (-2, -5), the drummer moved 3 steps up and 1 step right. In vector notation, the translation can be represented as:

(1, 3)

So the rule to describe the translation is: starting from any given point (x, y), add (1, 3) to get the final position.

B. The coordinates of the drummer's final position can be calculated by applying the translation rule. Starting from the initial coordinates (-2, -5) and adding the translation vector (1, 3), we get:

(-2, -5) + (1, 3) = (-2 + 1, -5 + 3) = (-1, -2)

Therefore, the drummer's final position is (-1, -2).