I believe that our solar system formed by the same process as star formation. A huge cloud of dust and gas collapsed and condensed. Gravity pulled matter into the center core, nuclear fusion began, and our Sun was created. Remaining matter and gas clumped together to form the planets. I believe in the _____

Nebular Theory

I believe in the nebular theory. The nebular theory is a widely accepted model that explains the formation of our solar system. It suggests that our solar system formed from a giant rotating cloud of gas and dust called a nebula. This nebula collapsed under its gravity, causing it to spin faster and flatten into a disk-like shape. At the center of this disk, the densest region, a protostar formed, which eventually evolved into our Sun.

As the protostar started to generate heat and pressure, nuclear fusion began, and the Sun was born. Meanwhile, the remaining material in the disk began to clump together due to gravity, forming planetesimals, which are small, rocky bodies. Over time, these planetesimals collided and merged, growing larger and eventually forming the planets. The planets further accumulated gas from the nebula, becoming gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn, or remaining as smaller, rocky planets like Earth and Mars.

This theory is supported by various observations, such as the composition and motion of the planets, as well as the presence of asteroids and comets in our solar system. Scientists have also studied other star-forming regions and observed similar processes occurring there, providing further evidence for the nebular theory.

It's important to note that scientific theories are based on the available evidence and are subject to revision as new data emerges. However, the nebular theory has withstood the test of time and remains the most widely accepted explanation for the formation of our solar system.