an experiment was conducted to test which of two antibiotics was more effective at killing a certain type if bacterium cultures a and b were treated with antibiotic 1; cultures c and d were treated with antibiotic 2; culture e was not treated with antibiotic. based on the results shown in figure 1-1 what conclution would you draw about which antibiotic is more effective explain. what is the purpose of culture e

i could show u the picture but i cant

Please describe Figure 1-1.

I have the same question but I'm not sure if we have the same answer choices...

A. used to compare to cultures C and D
B. used to compare to cultures A and B
C. used as a control
D. all of the above
E. none of the above

correct= D

Based on the information provided, I can still help you make some conclusions without seeing the picture. In this experiment, antibiotics 1 and 2 were tested for their effectiveness in killing a certain type of bacterial culture. Cultures A and B were treated with antibiotic 1, cultures C and D were treated with antibiotic 2, and culture E was not treated with any antibiotic.

To determine which antibiotic is more effective, we need to analyze the results shown in figure 1-1. Look for any differences in the bacterial growth between the treated cultures (A, B, C, and D) and the control culture (E). The control culture that was not treated with any antibiotic serves as a baseline to compare the effects of the antibiotics.

If the bacterial growth in cultures A and B is significantly lower compared to the control culture E, it suggests that antibiotic 1 is effective in killing the bacteria. Similarly, if the bacterial growth in cultures C and D is significantly lower compared to the control culture E, it indicates that antibiotic 2 is effective in killing the bacteria.

By comparing the reductions in bacterial growth in cultures A, B, C, and D to that of the control culture E, we can determine which antibiotic is more effective. The antibiotic that results in a greater reduction in bacterial growth would be considered more effective.

As for culture E, it serves as a control group to provide baseline data for comparison. It helps to determine the normal growth of the bacterium when not exposed to any antibiotics. By having a control, we can ensure that any changes in the treated cultures are due to the antibiotics' effects rather than other external factors.

Remember, to draw accurate conclusions, it is important to consider the specific data shown in figure 1-1.