Which of the following identifies a measurement, its SI units, and the tool most commonly used to measure it?

a. length, meter, ruler ***
b. temperature, degrees Fahrenheit, thermometer
c. weight, gram, scale
d. volume, millimeter, meniscus

Why do scientists use standard units of measurement?

a. because their tools only measure in these units
b. because other units are either too small or too large to work with
c. so they can communicate findings without confusion ***
d. so that people who are not scientists cannot understand them

What is the difference between mass and weight?

a. The mass of an object is the amount of matter it contains, while its weight is a measurement of the force that gravity exerts on it. ***
b. The mass of an object is always less than the weight of an object.
c. The mass of an object is directly related to how much gravity there is while its weight is a measurement of how much matter it contains.
d. There is no difference between mass and weight.

Which part of the microscope should you use to carry it?

a. the stage
b. the eyepiece
c. the focus knobs
d. the arm ***

How do light microscopes work?

a. Light microscopes use an electron beam to create an image of a specimen.
b. Light microscopes use a combination of light and lenses to magnify a specimen. ***
c. Light microscopes use a tiny tip that traces a specimen, enlarging it.
d. Light microscopes use laser light to scan a specimen and send data to a computer to create an image.

All correct.

OMG! OMG! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Finally, redemption!


To determine the correct choice for each question, let's break down the options:

1. For the first question, we need to identify the measurement, its SI units, and the tool commonly used to measure it. Among the options provided, the correct choice is "a. length, meter, ruler." The SI unit for length is the meter, and rulers are commonly used to measure length.

2. Scientists use standard units of measurement to communicate findings without confusion. The correct choice is "c. so they can communicate findings without confusion." Standard units ensure that everyone understands and interprets measurements consistently.

3. The difference between mass and weight can be explained as follows: Mass is the amount of matter an object contains, while weight is a measurement of the force that gravity exerts on an object. The correct choice is "a. The mass of an object is the amount of matter it contains, while its weight is a measurement of the force that gravity exerts on it."

4. To carry a microscope, you should use the arm. The correct choice is "d. the arm." The arm of the microscope is designed for gripping and carrying it safely.

5. Light microscopes work by using a combination of light and lenses to magnify a specimen. The correct choice is "b. Light microscopes use a combination of light and lenses to magnify a specimen." The light passes through the specimen and is focused by lenses to produce an enlarged image.

I hope this helps clarify the correct choices and the reasoning behind them! Let me know if you have any more questions.