I need to think of some expressions or idioms involving Mexico, along the lines of "spice it up" "south of the border" or anything else anyone can think of. Gracias!!

I answered this earlier today.

Yeppers, but I was hoping to see if there might be any more responses from anyone who may not have been on earlier...the crowd on this site differs with the time of day, and the diverse crowd of people bring a whole pool of new answers which may be satisfactory for my purposes.

To think of expressions or idioms involving Mexico, you can consider various aspects of Mexican culture, geography, history, or culinary traditions. Here are a few suggestions:

1. "In a piñata of emotions": This expression refers to a situation with a mix of intense feelings, just like the joy and excitement when children break a piñata and candies come pouring out.

2. "Like a Mexican wave": This idiom compares a synchronized movement or action to the famous wave performed by audiences during sports events, representing unity and harmony.

3. "Hitting the sombrero": This phrase means taking a risk or going for a big opportunity, as symbolized by the boldness of throwing a sombrero (traditional Mexican hat) into the ring.

4. "Jumping beans": This idiom refers to a situation or someone with a lot of energy or restlessness, drawing inspiration from the entertaining Mexican jumping beans, which move unpredictably.

5. "Cooking with salsa": This expression means to add excitement or flavor to something, similar to how salsa sauce makes Mexican cuisine lively and vibrant.

6. "Day of the Dead serious": This phrase playfully refers to taking something seriously or dealing with a matter in a dedicated and focused manner, like the traditional Mexican holiday, "Día de los Muertos," which emphasizes remembrance and reflection.

Remember that idioms and expressions may have different interpretations depending on cultural context, so use them thoughtfully and respectfully.