Which of the following techniques are described as advanced reading goals? (Points : 1)

Read to understand nuances and to assess views, to locate gaps in the conversation, to find places to comment and respond.
Read to understand a position that is different from one’s own.
Read actively—take notes, ask questions, make connections, paraphrase key points.
All of the above

Answer all of the above


To determine which of the techniques are described as advanced reading goals, we need to carefully analyze the options provided.

1) "Read to understand nuances and to assess views, to locate gaps in the conversation, to find places to comment and respond" - This technique involves reading with a critical mindset, actively examining different perspectives, and identifying areas where one can contribute to the ongoing discourse. It is an advanced reading goal as it goes beyond simply comprehending the text.

2) "Read to understand a position that is different from one’s own" - This technique emphasizes the importance of reading materials that challenge our preconceived notions and expose us to diverse viewpoints. It encourages critical thinking and expanding one's understanding of different perspectives.

3) "Read actively—take notes, ask questions, make connections, paraphrase key points" - This technique involves engaging with the text actively by taking notes, asking questions, drawing connections, and summarizing key ideas. It promotes deeper understanding and retention of the material.

Therefore, the correct answer is "All of the above" as all the provided techniques are described as advanced reading goals.