Imagine you designed an experiment that investigated the effect of feeding yeast cells different concentrations (0, 5, 10, 15, 25%) of sugar solutions. The yeast used the sugar to do cellular respiration and make CO2 as a waste product. The volume of CO2 released was captured and measured.

This data SHOULD have been recorded into an organized table that you prepared before your experiment began. Instead you made some disorganized notes while you took your measurements. On the next page, organize the data into the most polished, lab-report-ready table you can.

↑This is my homework... how can I make a table? please answer me...

To create a table organizing your data, you can use a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create a table in Microsoft Excel:

1. Open Excel and create a new workbook.

2. In the first row of the spreadsheet, enter the column headings for your table. Since you want to record the effect of different concentrations of sugar solutions on CO2 release, your column headings could be:
- Sugar Concentration (%)
- Volume of CO2 Released (mL)

3. Enter your data below the respective column headings. Each row should represent one data point, with the sugar concentration and volume of CO2 released for each concentration level.

4. Once you've entered all your data, select the range of cells that contain your table.

5. In the Excel menu, select the "Insert" tab, and then click on the "Table" button. This will transform your selected data range into a formatted table.

6. Excel will automatically detect the range of your data, and a dialog box will appear asking whether your table has headers. Make sure to check the box labeled "My table has headers" if it is selected.

7. Click "OK" to confirm your selection, and Excel will convert your range into a table, with alternate row shading and filter arrows added to the headers.

8. To enhance the appearance of your table, you can adjust the font size, cell alignment, and apply any other formatting options using the various tools available in Excel.

Once you've completed these steps, your data should be organized in a neat and visually appealing table. You can then use the table to present your findings in a lab report or any other format required for your assignment.