Dillan has a new cd with 6 songs on it. He puts it on random play. How many ways can the songs play ?

To find out how many ways the songs can play on random mode, we need to use the concept of permutations. In this case, since Dillan has a CD with 6 songs, we can think of it as arranging the songs in a specific order.

The formula to calculate the number of permutations is given by n!, where n is the number of items (in this case, songs). "!" denotes the factorial operation, which means multiplying the number by all positive integers less than it down to 1.

So, in this scenario, the number of ways the songs can play in random order would be 6!.

Calculating 6!:
6! = 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 720

Therefore, there are 720 different ways the songs can play on random mode.