Which word is correct to use? Math or Maths?

In the US and Canada -- math.

In England and other parts of the world -- maths.

I have no idea why!

prolly from mathematics -- "maths" retains the "s"

The choice between "math" and "maths" largely depends on the variant of English you are using. In American English, the word is typically abbreviated as "math," while in British English, it is usually abbreviated as "maths." So, if you are writing for an American audience, it is more appropriate to use "math," whereas if your target audience is British, "maths" would be the preferred term.

The word "math" or "maths" refers to the subject of mathematics. The usage of "math" or "maths" depends on the variety of English being used. In American English, the word "math" is commonly used, while in British English, the word "maths" is generally used.

If you would like to determine which term to use, consider the context and the intended audience. If you are in the United States or communicating primarily with Americans, it is usually best to use "math." On the other hand, if you are in a country that follows British English conventions or communicating primarily with people from such countries, it is preferable to use "maths."

To verify the appropriate term for your situation, you can consult style guides or reference materials specific to the variety of English you are using. Additionally, paying attention to the English used in your region or organization can provide further guidance.