A shopkeeper has false balance. It weighs 10% profit when buying goods and weighs 10% loss when selling goods. Find the profit and loss percent by weighing?

To find the profit and loss percentage by weighing, you need to follow these steps:

1. Let's assume the shopkeeper buys a quantity of goods from a supplier. To determine the profit percentage, divide the weight of the purchased goods by 1 + 10% (which represents the 10% profit). This is because the shopkeeper's balance weighs 10% more when buying goods.

Profit Percentage = (Weight of Purchased Goods) / (1 + 10%)

2. Now, assume the shopkeeper sells the same quantity of goods to a customer. To determine the loss percentage, divide the weight of the sold goods by 1 - 10% (which represents the 10% loss). This is because the shopkeeper's balance weighs 10% less when selling goods.

Loss Percentage = (Weight of Sold Goods) / (1 - 10%)

By following these steps, you can calculate the profit and loss percentages based on the weight of goods measured using the false balance.