What is the tone of the following lines in "At the Tourist Centre of Boston"?

I seem to remember people,
at least in the cities, also slush ,
machines and assorted garbage.
Perhaps that was my private mirage
which will just evaporate
when I go back.
I was thinking ironic but I need someone to check it please

Probably not ironic.



Based on the given lines, the tone can be interpreted as ironic. The speaker seems to be making a sarcastic remark about their memory of cities, slush machines, and garbage. The mention of a "private mirage" that will evaporate when they go back suggests a sense of irony or playful disbelief.

To determine the tone of a piece of writing, it's important to consider the overall attitude or mood conveyed by the author. In this case, "At the Tourist Centre of Boston," the lines you provided seem to express a sense of doubt or skepticism. These lines suggest that the narrator may have had certain expectations about the city, and now they are unsure if those expectations were accurate.

In terms of the given options, the most fitting tone would be ironic. By describing things such as slush, machines, and garbage in relation to cities, the narrator seems to be highlighting the discrepancy between their initial perceptions and the reality they have encountered. This creates an ironic tone, emphasizing the contrast between the narrator's expectations and their actual experience.

So, based on the provided lines, the appropriate tone would be ironic.