if a patient walked 1/4 mile sun, 1/3 mile mon, 1/2mile tues, 7/12 mile wed, 3/4 mile thurs, 5/6 mile fri, and 1 fll mile sat, how many miles did the patient walk in a week?

well, just add the fractions:

1/4 + 1/3 + 1/2 + 7/12 + 3/4 + 5/6 + 1
= 3/12 + 4/12 + 6/12 + 7/12 + 9/12 + 10/12 + 12/12
= (3+4+6+7+9+10+12)/12
= 51/12


=4 1/4

To find out how many miles the patient walked in a week, you need to add up the distances walked on each day.

The distances walked on each day are as follows:
Sunday: 1/4 mile
Monday: 1/3 mile
Tuesday: 1/2 mile
Wednesday: 7/12 mile
Thursday: 3/4 mile
Friday: 5/6 mile
Saturday: 1 mile

To add fractions, you need to find a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator is 12.

Now, let's convert all the fractions to have a denominator of 12:

Sunday: 1/4 mile = 3/12 mile
Monday: 1/3 mile = 4/12 mile
Tuesday: 1/2 mile = 6/12 mile
Wednesday: 7/12 mile (already in terms of the common denominator)
Thursday: 3/4 mile = 9/12 mile
Friday: 5/6 mile = 10/12 mile
Saturday: 1 mile = 12/12 mile

Now, add up these fractions to get the total distance walked:

(3/12) + (4/12) + (6/12) + (7/12) + (9/12) + (10/12) + (12/12)

Adding the numerators together, we get:
3 + 4 + 6 + 7 + 9 + 10 + 12 = 51

The denominator remains the same:

So, the patient walked a total of 51/12 miles in a week.

In simplest form, this fraction can be written as 4 3/12 or 4 1/4.

Therefore, the patient walked a total of 4 and 1/4 miles in a week.