Fran has 18 paperback books and 24 hardcover books. What is the ratio in simplest form of paperback to hardcover? Write the ratio all 3 ways.

18:24 = 18/24 = 3/4

Thanks Ms. Sue

You're welcome, Amy.

Thanks! I had that same math problem, too.

if the answer was wrong I am NOT sorry :)


To find the ratio of paperback to hardcover books, we need to determine the simplest form of this ratio.

First, let's identify the total number of paperback and hardcover books. Fran has 18 paperback books and 24 hardcover books.

To express this ratio in simplest form, we divide both the number of paperback and hardcover books by their greatest common divisor (GCD).

The GCD of 18 and 24 is 6 (since 6 is the largest number that evenly divides both 18 and 24).

Therefore, 18 divided by 6 equals 3, and 24 divided by 6 equals 4.

So, the simplified ratio of paperback to hardcover books is 3:4.

We can also express this ratio numerically as 3/4 and as the decimal 0.75 (by dividing 3 by 4).

Hence, the ratio of paperback to hardcover books, written in all three ways, is:

- 3:4
- 3/4
- 0.75