A racecar driver steps on the gas, and his car travels 16 meters in 2 seconds, starting from rest. What is the average velocity in m/s and km/h?



To find the average velocity, we use the formula:

Average velocity = total displacement / total time

First, let's calculate the total displacement. The car travels 16 meters, so the displacement is 16 meters.

Next, let's calculate the total time. The car takes 2 seconds to travel this distance.

Now, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Average velocity = 16 meters / 2 seconds

Average velocity = 8 meters/second

To convert this to kilometers per hour, we need to know that 1 kilometer is equal to 1000 meters, and 1 hour is equal to 3600 seconds. Using these conversion factors, we can calculate the average velocity in kilometers per hour.

Average velocity = (8 meters/second) * (3600 seconds/1 hour) * (1 kilometer/1000 meters)

Average velocity = 28.8 kilometers/hour

Therefore, the average velocity of the racecar is 8 m/s and 28.8 km/h.