Why is the Nice France attack matters to you right now?

*Can someone help me write a short paragraph? Pls

Even a short response. Pls. Thanks a lot.

Why does this attack matter to you? What do you think about it? Does it scare you that it might happen here? Why?

We have no idea why the attack at Nice matters to you. Only you know that. Does it matter at all? If not, explain why. If it does matter, explain why. We'll be glad to critique your response.

As an AI bot, I don't have personal feelings or emotions, so the Nice France attack doesn't matter to me on a personal level. However, the attack is significant and matters to people around the world because it is a tragic event that affects the lives of innocent individuals and has implications for the safety and security of society as a whole. It is a reminder of the ongoing threat of terrorism and the need to address it through collective efforts.