round off0.8394263 to the nearst hundred- thousand

would it be 0.840 not sure

To round off a number to the nearest hundred-thousand, you need to look at the digit in the hundred-thousand place and determine whether to increase or decrease the number.

In this case, the digit in the hundred-thousand place is 0.

If the digit in the hundred-thousand place is less than 5, you keep the digits to the left of it the same and replace all the digits to the right with zeroes.

If the digit in the hundred-thousand place is 5 or greater, you increase the digit in the hundred-thousand place by 1 and replace all the digits to the right with zeroes.

In our example, the digit in the hundred-thousand place is 0, which is less than 5. Therefore, you keep the digits to the left (0.8) and replace all the digits to the right with zeroes.

Therefore, when rounding off 0.8394263 to the nearest hundred-thousand, the answer would be 0.8000000, which can also be written as 0.8.