Mr. Vasil drove 405 miles on 15 gallons of gas. How many miles can he drive on 1 gallon?

405 / 15 = _______ miles per gallon

To find out how many miles Mr. Vasil can drive on 1 gallon of gas, we need to divide the total number of miles driven by the total number of gallons used.

First, let's calculate the number of miles driven per gallon:
Miles per gallon = Total miles / Total gallons

In this case, Mr. Vasil drove 405 miles and used 15 gallons of gas. Plugging these values into the formula, we get:
Miles per gallon = 405 miles / 15 gallons

To find the result, we can simply divide 405 by 15:
Miles per gallon = 27 miles/gallon

So, Mr. Vasil can drive 27 miles on 1 gallon of gas.


___ ___
15 15

405 / 15 = x/1

15 x = 405

x = 405/15
