The diameter of a bullock cart wheel is 0.98metre How many times must the wheels rotate for the cart to cover a distance of 1.54 kilometre


To determine how many times the wheels must rotate, we need to calculate the circumference of the wheel and divide the distance the cart needs to cover by the circumference.

1. Start by calculating the circumference of the wheel using the formula:

Circumference = π * diameter

Given that the diameter of the bullock cart wheel is 0.98 metres, we can substitute the value into the formula:

Circumference = π * 0.98

Note: π (pi) is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 3.14159.

Calculating the circumference:
Circumference ≈ 3.14159 * 0.98

2. Next, determine the total distance the cart needs to cover. Given that the distance is 1.54 kilometers, we need to convert it to meters to be consistent with the circumference.

1 kilometer = 1000 meters

Distance = 1.54 * 1000

3. Now that we have both the circumference and the distance in meters, we can calculate the number of wheel rotations:

Number of rotations = Distance / Circumference

Substituting the values we calculated:

Number of rotations = (1.54 * 1000) / (3.14159 * 0.98)

Calculating the number of rotations:
Number of rotations ≈ 1555.2 / 3.0621532

The number of rotations will be approximately equal to 507.6 (rounded to the nearest whole number).

Therefore, the wheels of the bullock cart must rotate approximately 508 times to cover a distance of 1.54 kilometers.

circumference of wheel = πd

= .98π metres

number of rotations = 1540 m/.98π m
= 531.898..
= appr 532 rotations

how did you get 500?