What safety rules should I follow before, during, and after a laboratory investigation?

Understand the hazards encountered in the lab.

protect your skin, lungs, eyes, and hearing during the investigation. Protect your clothing. Be aware of your partner.
after: cleanup, label all products correctly, store chemicals and materials properly.


Always wear gloves to protect your skin. wear googles to protect your eyes and don't mix chemicals that don't mix well because it could cause many different reactions that you might not be able to fix.

that makes sense.

thank you

what r the answers

Before a laboratory investigation, it is important to follow some safety rules to ensure your well-being and prevent accidents. Here are some guidelines to follow:

1. Read and understand the lab manual: Familiarize yourself with the experiment and any potential hazards involved. Pay attention to the instructions, precautions, and safety information provided.

2. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE): PPE such as lab coats, gloves, goggles, and closed-toe shoes are essential for protecting your body from chemicals, fires, spills, or projectiles.

3. Assess the environment: Look around for potential hazards such as exposed electrical wires, broken glassware, or volatile substances. Report any issues to the instructor or lab supervisor.

4. Plan your experiment: Organize your workspace and have a clear plan in mind to minimize the possibility of accidents.

During a laboratory investigation, it is crucial to continue prioritizing safety. Here's what you should do:

1. Follow instructions: Stick to the experiment guidelines and perform the steps as instructed. Deviating from the instructions can lead to unforeseen consequences.

2. Handle chemicals safely: Understand the properties of each chemical being used, including potential hazards, and follow proper handling procedures. Use fume hoods or proper ventilation when necessary.

3. Use equipment correctly: Operate lab equipment only after you have been properly trained. Use them with caution, following the correct techniques outlined in the lab manual.

4. Practice good laboratory hygiene: Avoid eating, drinking, or touching your face while conducting an experiment. Wash your hands properly after handling any chemicals or contaminated equipment.

After a laboratory investigation, take appropriate measures to ensure safety and maintain the integrity of the lab space:

1. Clean up: Dispose of any waste materials properly in designated containers. Clean and return all equipment to their designated places.

2. Clear your workspace: Remove any chemicals, glassware, or equipment from your work area. This helps prevent accidents and ensures a clean environment for the next user.

3. Report any incidents: If there were any accidents, near misses, spills, or injuries, notify your instructor or lab supervisor immediately. Prompt reporting allows for appropriate actions to be taken.

4. Learn from your experience: Reflect on the experiment and identify ways to improve safety for future investigations. Share any suggestions or observations with your lab instructor or supervisor.

By following these safety rules before, during, and after a laboratory investigation, you can help reduce the risk of accidents and create a safe environment for yourself and others.