



Here are some rules that might be helpful:

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

To simplify the given expressions, we need to follow the rules of combining like terms.

1. 2(x + 2y) - y
First, distribute the 2 to the terms inside the parentheses:
2x + 4y - y
Now, combine the like terms:
2x + 3y

2. 5a + 2b + 3b - 7a
Combine the like terms with the same variables:
(5a - 7a) + (2b + 3b)
-2a + 5b

3. 2(2r - 2) - 8(2r + 2)
First, distribute the 2 to the terms inside the first parentheses and distribute the -8 to the terms inside the second parentheses:
4r - 4 - 16r - 16
Combine the like terms:
(4r - 16r) + (-4 - 16)
-12r - 20