A dishonest shopkeeper has 2 false balances. One balance weighs 10 %more while buying goods and other weighs 10% less while selling the goods. Find his gain percent just by weighing.

Plzz help
How do I start and how to solve it


20% profit

please give me the detailed solution

detailed solution

1 kg 100 more 110 1 kg 10 less 90 total 200/90=22.22%

To solve this problem, let's start by considering a hypothetical situation where you buy goods worth 100 units from the shopkeeper.

1. Buying goods with the false balance:
Since the first balance weighs 10% more while buying goods, it would show a weight of 100 + 10% of 100 = 110 units.

2. Selling goods with the false balance:
The second balance weighs 10% less while selling goods, so it would show a weight of 100 - 10% of 100 = 90 units.

Now, let's calculate the apparent loss or gain for each transaction:

1. Buying goods:
You paid for 110 units of goods, but the actual weight was 100 units. Therefore, you incurred an immediate apparent loss of 10 units.

2. Selling goods:
You sold 90 units of goods, but you were paid for 100 units. Therefore, you gained an immediate apparent profit of 10 units.

Now, to find the overall gain percent, we need to calculate the gain percentage based on the apparent loss or gain.

The overall gain percentage can be calculated using the formula:
Overall gain percent = (Apparent gain / Apparent loss) × 100

In this case, the apparent loss and gain are both 10 units, so:
Overall gain percent = (10 / 10) × 100 = 100%

Hence, the dishonest shopkeeper gains 100% just by using the false balances.

To solve similar problems, you can follow this approach of considering a hypothetical situation, calculating the apparent loss or gain for each transaction, and then using the formula to find the overall gain percentage.

try using some easy numbers first.

if buying 10 lbs, his scale says he is only getting 11 lbs.

His selling scale says he is selling 9 lbs.

See what you can do with that.

Looks to me like he's losing money. Unless somehow the buying/selling is from the customer's perspective, not the shopkeeper's.