A man😆 travelled 🚂 3/5 of his journey🚞 by rail🚋, 1/4 by a taxi🚕,1/8 by bus🚃and the remaining 2 km on foot💃. What is the length of his total journey??

3/5 = 24/40

1/4 = 10/40

1/8 = 5/40

1/40 is left for foot travel

1/40 j = 2 km ... j = 80 km

Pls tell easy answer

To find the length of the man's total journey, we need to add up the distances he traveled by each mode of transportation.

Let's start by considering the fraction of the journey he traveled by rail. The man traveled 3/5 of his journey by rail. To find this distance, we need to multiply the total length of his journey by 3/5.

Let's assume the total length of his journey is "x" km.

Distance traveled by rail = (3/5) * x

Next, the man traveled 1/4 of his journey by taxi. So, the distance traveled by taxi can be calculated as:

Distance traveled by taxi = (1/4) * x

Similarly, the distance traveled by bus can be calculated as:

Distance traveled by bus = (1/8) * x

Finally, the remaining 2 km was traveled on foot.

Total distance traveled = Distance traveled by rail + Distance traveled by taxi + Distance traveled by bus + Distance traveled on foot

Total distance traveled = (3/5) * x + (1/4) * x + (1/8) * x + 2

Now, we can solve for x by setting this equation equal to the total length of the journey given in the question:

Total length of the journey = (3/5) * x + (1/4) * x + (1/8) * x + 2

Simplifying the equation, we have:

Total length of the journey = (24/40) * x + (10/40) * x + (5/40) * x + 2

Total length of the journey = (39/40) * x + 2

To find x, we need to isolate x by subtracting 2 from both sides:

Total length of the journey - 2 = (39/40) * x

Now, divide both sides by (39/40):

[(Total length of the journey - 2) / (39/40)] = x

Finally, calculate the value of x using this equation, and you will get the length of the man's total journey.
